Hi, I am 26 years old and still don’t have a girlfriend. I love receiving gifts and I haven’t had any luck with women since high school. I have attended numerous programs and read numerous books on how to impress women, but nothing seems to work. Most of my friends and colleagues are either married or tare in a relationship. I am the only one who is single. Am I going to be single for the rest of my life? Please help me out.
-Jim, New York,
First of all, no you are not going to be single for the rest of your life. Don’t be pessimistic, you are still young, and I am pretty sure one day you will meet a beautiful lady who will love you for what you are. Always remember that “good things come for the people who wait.”
Now when it comes to attracting women no amount of books on dating, dating advice or how–to-guides are going to be of any use. Women these days are educated and smarter. Don’t even think you can impress them with a few cheesy pick up lines that you read in a book or on the internet. The key to attracting women is to first build your inner game. Here’s a quick guide on how to build your inner game and attract women.
Have a Positive Attitude and be Confident
Women are attracted to men who are confident and have a positive outlook in life. Confidence and positive attitude have nothing to do with the appearance of a person. You may be short, overweight or average in looks but having a positive attitude and being confident will certainly boost your personality and popularity. Women are usually more insecure about themselves in comparison to men; so they are naturally attracted to men who radiate confidence and positive outlook.
Don’t be a Pushover
Being polite and chivalrous is one thing, but being a pushover is a totally different thing. Never try to impress any women by acting like her slave. Don’t bribe her with expensive gifts in order to impress her. While she may like receiving gifts, but she will never be impressed by your flattery. Don’t bend over backwards to please her, have self respect; be a man.
Develop a Good Sense of humor
Studies indicate women are more attracted to men who can make them laugh. Sharing a joke or two together is an easy way to build connection and break the ice. Men who have a good sense of humor are usually intelligent, and women are naturally attracted to intelligent men.
Be pop Culture Savvy and Well Read
Besides sharing a joke or two you also need to be well read and pop culture savvy. Develop a habit of reading books on a wide variety of subjects and also keep yourself updated on current affairs related to music, fashion, technology, politics, etc. Having a common topic to talk about will help you keep the conversation going.
Keep yourself Groomed
Yes, it is absolutely important to be confident and have a good sense of humor, but it doesn’t help when you look, dress and smell like a hobo or a homeless guy. You don’t have to go to a man-parlor in order appear groomed, maintain the basic man-hygiene, and it will be fine. Make it a point to wear clean clothes and a light perfume, don’t bath yourself in cologne.
Don’t Have an Agenda
When the only agenda on your mind is how to get women you want to date in your bed, then you are obviously going to be a lonely guy. Don’t focus on the outcome focus on building a connection and enjoying the time you spent dating her. That way she will realize that you are not looking for a one night stand, and she will develop a genuine interest in you.
So to conclude, I will advise you to be a little patient and try to develop your overall personality first, focus on removing the negative traits in your personality, if any. Trying to impress women with the cheesy pick up lines that you read in a book or on the internet will never work, it will only make you look and idiot and a fake person. I am no love guru, but I am pretty sure that if you work on the points I have mentioned above you will have no problem attracting women.
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