Relationship Advice From The Obamas That You Should Not Ignore

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president and michelle obama

How on earth do I rekindle the passion in our relationship when I can barely stay awake for dinner after a tough day at work? Where is the time or energy for romance after dealing with energetic kids and never-ending household chores? If you identify with these sentiments, then perhaps you need to get some relationship advice from the busiest couple in the world—the President and the First Lady of the United States of America.

Stop Cribbing about Lack of Time

Are you seriously busier than the President of the US of A? Do you have more social engagements than the First Lady? When they can keep the spark in their relationship alive despite their busy schedules, why can’t you and your partner do the same? So stop complaining bout how you never have time. Make time. If you truly love your partner, then you will make time for him or her.

A Perfect Relationship is a Myth

Do you seriously think Obama and Michelle don’t fight over petty things? Like how he leaves his socks strewn over the floor or how she gets grumpy over small things? Only a dead relationship will be perfect. Living relationships will always have troubles. Instead of waiting for your partner to have an epiphany and become perfect overnight, just accept him or her with all the flaws. Be happy and grateful for your relationship and you will automatically have a happier life.

Routine is Bad… and Good As Well

Wake up, go to work, come back, eat, sleep, and wake up again….relationship decay because everything becomes routine. Yet, the routine may be your saviour as well. Having a weekly date night that will not be cancelled no matter what can be a very smart idea. It won’t be easy, especially if both of you are working. However, you can certainly be grateful that you won’t have to inform the Secret Service about your date plans in advance so that they can scout it out and convert it into a secure location.

Happy Living is about the Small Things

How many times have you seen Obama doing small things like holding hands with Michelle or seen the couple gazing into each other’s eyes when dancing? The hidden relationship advice is that you need to express your love to your partner. Worried that it may look cheesy or sound corny? Stop worrying and start living! Instead of worrying about others, focus on doing that which makes your partner go all mushy and romantic.

Have Fun as Often as Possible

Being the President is probably the most stressful job on the planet. Yet, it is pretty clear that the First Couple often have a lot of fun with each other. As relationships grow, people often stop having fun with each other. A flirt comment, a caressing touch, or simply laughing together can make all your relationship troubles vanish. We often make the mistake of always waiting for that big bang moment. After staying together for 20-25 years, it will be the small things that will bring a smile to your face.

Learn to Let It Go

Still sulking about how your spouse couldn’t come home on time for your birthday party? Well, imagine how may dinners Obama must have missed because he was busy with election campaigning, Obamacare, or Operation Geronimo? Michelle would have gone mad had she started sulking for each and every transgression. Let it go because it is the best possible thing for your relationship. To let go means that you value the person more than you value your rules or personal preferences.

Respect your Partner

Despite being the President and the guy with his finger on the nuclear button, it is evident that Obama respects Michelle for the person she is. You may be rich and powerful but that does not mean you can think that you are superior to your partner. This useful relationship advice is evident from the way the President and the First Lady conduct themselves in public.

Living in the White House surrounded by power, politics, comfort, and luxury can be a relationship killer. However, Obama and Michelle will come with a stronger and more resilient bond. Their relationship advice surely will do wonders to your relationship as well.

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