There is so much written about dating for older men but so little for older women. It seems to be an unexplored topic and one could be excused for thinking that older women should not be on the dating scene. That is simply not true – in fact, as many women age they become more and more attractive and there is no reason why they should not be dating just because they are over 50. Dating advice for women, whether young or old, is important. Get back in the playing field and remember:
•Your body is just great the way it is
Look around you; most men who are your age are in worse shape, body wise, than you. One big problem that older women have is the way they think of their bodies. True, you have aged and your body doesn’t look the same but men who are your age or older will tell you that you look great. Continue working out and taking care of your skin and be confident about the way you look.
•Don’t tell me that you don’t “want to settle”
At this age, women are a bit defensive when they are dating and many tell men that just because of their age they are not looking to settle. That generally plummets the self confidence of the man – he may feel that he isn’t good enough, or that if you want to continue dating him he has to work harder than he ordinarily would. Just go with the flow and see where things end up.
•If money is a big issue to you it may be harder to secure a second date
It isn’t uncommon for older women to look for rich men. Whatever rich is for you, you need to be careful not to bring it up on a first date. If you are looking for a man who already has a huge home, an expensive car and who can take you for trips abroad you will have a harder time finding one than if you are looking for companionship. While you don’t want to settle down with someone who is in debt, you don’t want to make money the central issue of a relationship. Plus, let’s face it, rich old men generally go for younger women!
Just because you are older doesn’t mean that you cannot have a love life. If you use the advice given here, don’t you think you have a chance at a real relationship?
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