When Cyber Monday causes relationship issues

Category: Dating, Marriage, Relationships 35 0

DollarsWith Thanksgiving and Black Friday both in the past and Cyber Monday kicking off this week, we now find ourselves in the throes of the holiday shopping season. It’s a time of love and laughter. It’s also a time of arguing with family and even relationship issues.

In an effort to make Cyber Monday a little easier to deal with and a little easier on the wallet, here are some money-saving shopping tips for this season:

  • Make a list and check it twice. Make your holiday shopping list in advance and decide how much you are willing to spend on those items. Remember that it helps to decide whether you want a specific brand or style so that you can continue to shop around through the middle of December.
  • Know when the deals begin. In the days leading up to the sale, sign up for daily emails from the stores you’re interested in. It is also a good idea to stay updated using social media.
  • Combine savings. Combine coupon codes, sales, and discounts whenever possible to increase your savings!

Hopefully those little tidbits of shopping advice will help you save a little more money than expected. Perhaps they can even help keep a spendthrift spouse in check this season.

Did you know that Cyber Monday could actually fuel some relationship issues many couples are already dealing with? Here are some gentle and loving ways to deal with an overspending spouse:

  • Ease into the conversation and don’t go full force. Approach your spouse as lovingly as possible without using an accusatory tone. Accusing someone will only drive a wedge between the two of you. Make your grievances and concerns known without placing blame.
  • Make a budget. Make a budget together and pledge that both of you will stick to it. If you have a budget already, it’s time to revisit it. Hopefully this will help your spouse realize that his or her spending is hurting your finances.
  • Set up the rules. How will the two of you control spending? Will it be through budgetary limitations or will you eliminate spending altogether? There are a number of ways to approach this, so sit down and figure out what works for both of you.

Remember that it is important to be realistic about your financial goals, especially during the holiday season. How have you balanced your marital budget? Are you or your spouse an over-spender?

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